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【2020年两会专题】全国书画艺术名家—— 赵春旺

Date:2019-12-04 16:45:21   来源:互联网   访问:
  [Special Topics of the Two Sessions in 2020] Zhaochunwang, a Famous Artist of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy  赵春旺:字青石,号玄达。1969年8月生。作品荣获中央电视台墨彩盃全国...

  [Special Topics of the Two Sessions in 2020] Zhao chunwang, a Famous Artist of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy


  2008年全国书法艺术大奖赛青年组一等奖;被文化部授予“中国当代书画名家500家”荣誉称号;作品被多家博物馆、全国各界党政领导及世界友好人士收藏。2017年8月荣幸受聘英教委牛津艺术学院博士生导师;中国企业报•企业资训“专版刊登,被授于‘’全国百位人民优秀书画家”;“当代全国百佳书画名家”,聘任担任中国书画家协会高级顾问,并授于人民艺术家荣誉称号!中国互联网新闻中心授予‘’博览五千年  •  塑造当代贤一一一标杆书画家‘’荣誉称号!


  Zhao chunwang: The word Qingshi is Xuanda. Born in August 1969. The work won the first prize in the youth group of the "ink cup" national youth TV calligraphy competition of CCTV. Selected to the first fan calligraphy exhibition of Xiling printing company; He won 12 gold medals in the Chinese Medicine and Calligraphy Competition and other national calligraphy and painting competitions. Silver Award for Invitational Tournament of Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Masters; Third Prize in the First Sino-Japanese Modern Painting and Calligraphy seal cutting Competition. The first prize in the youth group of the 2008 national calligraphy art competition; He was awarded the honorary title of "500 Famous Chinese Contemporary Calligraphers and Painters" by the Ministry of Culture. The works have been collected by many museums, leaders of the party and government from all walks of life in the country and friendly people in the world. In August 2017, I was honored to be employed as a doctoral supervisor of Oxford College of Arts, British Education Commission. The Chinese enterprise newspaper enterprise training "was published in a special edition and awarded to" 100 outstanding calligraphers and painters of the whole country ". "Top 100 Famous Calligraphers and Painters in Contemporary China" was appointed as a senior consultant of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association and was awarded the honorary title of People's Artist. The China Internet News Center has awarded the honorary title of "Calligraphers and Painters Who Have Been Exposing for 5,000 Years and Shaping Contemporary Xian 111 Benchmarks"! In the first China Top Calligraphers Competition, the China Internet Advisory Training Station won the grand prize and awarded the honorary title of "Virtuous Art and Double Prosperity" artist to China's top calligraphers and calligraphers. Specially hired as an art channel consultant for China Internet Advisory Training Station! The works of China's top painting and calligraphy masters in the global tour held by China's online training platform are collected by Italian museums! And issue collection certificates and prizes!


4-foot whole paper,138cmⅩ68cm


4 feet apart,138cmⅩ34cm


4 feet apart,138cmⅩ34cm


4 feet square,68cmX68cm


4 feet square68cmX68cm


6 feet apart, couplets,178cmX48Cm


5 feet apart, couplet, 158cmx48cm, left reverse calligraphy, positive appreciation


Four feet apart, couplets,138cmⅩ34cm


8-foot whole paper


8-foot whole paper


热词搜索: 书画艺术名家 赵春旺


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