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Date:2019-11-13 16:40:09   来源:互联网   访问:
  "Diplomat of Chinese Traditional Culture" Famous Artist of the World-Su Zuoguang  苏作光,1950年出生,广东省潮州市人,中共党员,大专学历。1969年1月至1981年12月在部队服役,转业后任中共汕...

  "Diplomat of Chinese Traditional Culture" Famous Artist of the World-Su Zuoguang



  Su Zuoguang was born in 1950 in Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and has a college degree. From January 1969 to December 1981, he served in the army. After changing his job, he was appointed Deputy Chief of the Organization Department of Shantou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. Later, he was transferred as Chief of Shantou Municipal Supervision Bureau. In 2001, he was transferred as political counselor and calligraphy teacher of Guangdong Institute of Administration. He retired in 2010. Currently, he is a book master of the National Academy of Ethnic Paintings, a national first-class book master, a vice-chairman of the Chinese Enterprise Reports Art Capital Council, a deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Enterprise Artists Working Committee of the Chinese Enterprise Culture Promotion Association, a deputy secretary-general of the national architecture institute of china Calligraphy and Painting Art Professional Committee, a vice-chairman of the China Future Research Association (under the Ministry of Science and Technology), and a member of the Guangzhou Calligraphy and Painting Artists Association. He has participated in many activities such as "China's Love, Military Dream and the Association of Calligraphy and Painting of Ministers and Generals of the Republic". He has also published many works in the media, which have been well received.

Su Zuoguang's Calligraphy

Su Zuoguang's Calligraphy

Su Zuoguang's Calligraphy

Su Zuoguang's Calligraphy

Su Zuoguang's Calligraphy

Su Zuoguang's Calligraphy

Su Zuoguang's Calligraphy

Su Zuoguang's Calligraphy

Su Zuoguang's Calligraphy

Su Zuoguang's Calligraphy


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